Put It Out To The Universe
As you go through a transition in your life such as ending a relationship begin to consider what you want to bring into your life that is currently missing. I suggest that you write these things down and place the writing in a place that you see every day. A good place is on a mirror that you look into every day. Creating a collage or visualization board is another good way to put out to the Universe as well as yourself that which you want or need. You can cut out images, draw, write, etc. on your board and you can change images as you need along the way. Visualization can be a powerful step in bringing into your life that which you want to do or attract. After you have created your writings or visualization board begin to think of what you can do to bring this into your life. For instance, lets say that you have lost contact and time with girlfriends because you were super focused on a love relationship. You can make the decision to call an old friend and set a date. You can venture out and take a class or volunteer somewhere that places you in the position of meeting new people. This may mean stepping out of your comfort zone and take a little time, but it will be worth it in the long run.