Message to Self

Message to Self

     Message to Self



     What messages are you saying to yourself?  In the last blog we looked at the messages we received as we were growing up from the culture, subculture, and our families.  Many times these messages are on a loop in our brain and repeat themselves over and over.  When this happens they become ingrained and we believe them.  There is scientific evidence that when we take in negative information it changes the biochemistry in our bodies.  “The Hidden Messages in Water” written by Marsaru Emoto who is a Japanese scientist is both a thought provoking book as well as a New York Times bestseller.  His research demonstrated that negative thoughts and experiences change the molecular makeup of the water’s cells.  At first he exposed the water to negative experiences such as being exposed to heavy metal music and then froze the water and took high-powered photographs of the frozen water cells. The water exposed to the heavy metal music resembled grey blobs in contrast when water was exposed to a positive experience such as classical music the cells looked like beautiful snowflakes. He theorizes that since our bodies are made up of between 55%-60% water we are creating changes in our bodies when we are exposed to negativity such as negative self-talk.  Be aware of your self-talk and interrupt it by replacing it with a positive phrase which is in the present tense.  If you have a loop of self talk that says you aren’t worthy or good enough to deserve a healthy relationship rephrase it to say “I am a good and worthy person and I am deserving of a loving healthy relationship.”  At first this may feel artificial and awkward but keep at it.  It does take time to replace a negative self talk loop with a positive one.  You can also write a positive message to yourself and place it somewhere you look everyday such as mirror.  Nourish yourself with positive messages.  Think of a crystal of water listening to beautiful music.  

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