





 Laughter is inherently healing.  Studies have shown that it not only improves our mood, but our immune system as well.  Loretta LaRoche who is an author, stress management consultant and has done a PBS series, relates that children are frequently laughing through out the day.  As adults we barely laugh fifteen times a day.  Because laughter is inherently healing it is important to find ways to bring humor into our lives.  The Break-Up Divas boxes are designed with this in mind.  Even when we hurt, we can often find something to laugh at and even better someone to laugh with.  Sometimes you have to create the opportunity for humor and connection.  We have given Tacky Attire parties where the guests dress in tasteless outfits.  Winners are chosen by the party goers and receive truly awful prizes.  For years, I have exchanged truly funny, but awful gifts with a good friend.  We place these in one another’s yards.  One summer when I was gardening I looked up and saw a stuffed Reindeer head on the fence that sang “Grandmother got run over by a Reindeer”.  Highly recommended is watching LaRoche’s videos from her PBS series as well as her books such as “Life is Short Wear Your Party Pants”   Finding or creating humor is a guaranteed way to bring a smile, laughter and healing into your life.   

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